Saturday, May 5, 2007

A View From Above

Garden Creek

This shot was taken Thursday from atop the Snake River Plain. The Snake River Plain is a very broad lava plateau that stretches across the southern half of Idaho, and drains to the west. This shot is literally taken from the southeastern edge of the plain, atop of the basalt that covers it. Garden creek is seen running through the pasture and feeds into the South Fork of the Snake River. This is in an area that is known as 'Conant'.

Photo taken: May 3, 2007


  1. Great scenery pictures. Don't you just love the few weeks everything is green? Then after that we go back to being 'beige country' again.

  2. Yeah I know; However Wyoming, "Western Wyoming", that is doesn't turn beige so quick as Nevada. But there is nothing like a good ol Nevada desert in bloom! Most folks would be amazed!


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