Monday, May 7, 2007

Eat My Own Lunch

Weekly Habit Number 2

Everyday that I go to work, I take my own lunch. Angela usually makes it for me, from last nights leftovers, or maybe a sandwich. She always includes a piece of fruit or two. Anyway the point being, she makes me a very good sufficiently satisfying lunch.

What happens on a very regualar basis, is that vendors show up. Vendors are always trying to sweeten you up. They bring donuts, chocolates and every other imaginable type of goody. Cookies, candies, brownies, and the like are always around for the taking.

Also what happens quite often is that lunch is bought! If someone from corporate is coming, or if there are visitors of any kind, or any off the wall excuss someone can come up with, we send someone to town to buy lunch! Pizza, Deep fryed fish, Subway, Barbaques of hamburgers, etc. Always lots of extra food around.

Now being somewhat normal, (I did say somewhat), I tend to indulge in all the extra food lying around. So this weeks habit, "Eat My Own Lunch". My goal is if I didn't bring it in my pail, I won't eat it!

I'll let you know how it goes!

Now for last weeks habit: "Take the Stairs". I am happy to say that I did not use the elevator, not even once last week. On at least two occasions I had climbed in hit button 3, and then remember my 'habit' and quickly jumped out and raced the elevator up. I can beat the elevator. Its is actually quicker taking the stairs! I wouldn't say it is a 'habit' yet, but I am on my way! Can we make it two weeks?

Photo taken: May 3, 2007

1 comment:

  1. Great job!! My habit is to annoy my teenagers by finding the furthest parking spot from the front door and making them walk. At this point Britt just rolls her eyes whenever I pull into Walmart, I just love annoying her.


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