Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Out the Window


I took this picture out of our masterbath window. These birds were all over our yard. They look like sparrows, but if you expand the picture you can see they have a bright red crown on their heads. If you can identify what they are, leave a note and let me know!

Kitchen Window

This is looking out the kitchen window. Now tell me ladies, if you had a view like this out of your kitchen window, wouldn't you want to do dishes all day long?

Photo's taken: May 07, 2007

Top photo by Craig

Bottom photo by Angela


  1. Bird in your picture is that of a Chipping Sparrow.http://www.nenature.com/ChippingSparrow.htm

  2. Ummmm I don't know about ALL Day, but maybe for half an hour..then it would be off to play in that lucious grass!!

  3. I will do the dishes if someone else does the cooking, I hate that part.

  4. That is a BEAUTIFUL view. Dishes wouldn't seem to bad if I had that took look at.

  5. I thought I might get some snide comments back on this post! You've all been to easy on me. It is a great view, but I don't know if doing dishes all day long would be anyones idea of fun!


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