Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Beehive Academy: Baby Antelope

I have linked to a post by Montserrat. Beehive Academy: Baby Antelope This is great stuff! I love it! Wildlife is my kind of thing. I am currently saving $4.00 a day in my jar. This is my savings toward an exceptional camera outfit! I want to be sitting on a ridge and be able to take picture of wildlife "close up" from a mile away. I haven't decided what kind to get, other that I love digital. I don't know that you could talk me into going back to a 35 milimeter camera. I have a couple, as a matter of fact. Very nice cameras, but the ease of digital, and the fact you can take several pictures and just dicard any that don't meet expections is what I like. Also with all the new photo editing programs these days, an amature like myself can take a few fairly decent pictures. It is also much easier to experiment with the digital cameras. Instant results.

I can store over 200 pictures on my camara, with my memory card, at 5.o megapixcal.

Someday I will have my dream camera. That is next on my list!

1 comment:

  1. My parents got all of us kids really, really nice cameras for Christmas. I mean REALLY nice. That's why I'm having fun taking pictures.

    My camera is the new Canon Digital Rebel XTi. They also sent a telephoto zoom lens which is what I used to take the picture of the antelope.

    {{sigh}} The money a doctor doesn't hesitate to spend on his daughter who married a poor farmer. Life's tough! :D


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