Monday, June 11, 2007

Floss the Chops

Weekly Habit # 5

Floss the Chops

I made one of my bi-yearly visits to the dental hygentist today for a teeth cleaning. So this is where I have drawn inspiration for my latest weekly habit!

Putting my dental hygiene habits on display for all the world to see, has taken some considerable thought on my part. It isn't that I am that bad at keeping my choppers clean, but there is always room for improvement. I do floss, but I must admit it hasn't been a 'daily' habit. So my habit this week is to floss the chops daily.

I have been very busy the last few weeks, so I did miss a week of posting a new habit. I thought about trying to catch up, but have decided instead to keep it to Mondays, and not worry to much if I miss a Monday now and then. I would rather work on quality, not quantity.

How are we doing?

#1 Take the Stairs - Habit!

#2 Eat My Own Lunch - Haven't reached perfection yet, but we have seen vast improvement!

# 3 A Walk to the Aspen - Doing good. If I haven't made it to the aspen, I have done exercise of equal value! The kids and cows joined me for this mornings walk!

Kids and Cows on the way there!

Kids and Cows on the way back!

It was really quite funny! The kids followed me and the cows followed the kids! All the way there and all the way back!

Some of the best moments I have with my kids is when I just listen to them. On our little hike today I was listening to the three of them talk. They had conversations about cows needing to learn to wipe their butts better and dry cow poop, wet cow poop, and shot at cow poop!

#4 Finish My Own Dinner - Again I am doing better, and again I haven't reached perfection. But I am happy, because it has been more forward than back!

Photos Taken: June 11, 2007

1 comment:

  1. Great photos of the cows following the kids following you.


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