Thursday, April 5, 2007

Whats Important?

Every so often something happens in life to remind you of how precious our time here on earth is. At such moments what is important to one's self becomes incredibly clear. Also the realization of just what isn't so important sets in.

Over the past few days I had a scare concerning my health. It started with a simple twitch in my left middle finger that just wouldn't go away. Soon thereafter other fingers began to twitch. My doctor let me know that I may have a brain tumor. The real possiblity that I may not be long for this mortal life tested me mentally and spiritualy, like nothing has in a very long time. I like to think of myself as a strong individual who can handle whatever lifes obstacles may throw my way, but ever so often the Lord humbles me, and I realize just how much I rely on him for guidance and understanding. I think he needs to set me in my place and let me know just how unimportant the material things in life are. And more importantly how much my family and their love does mean.

I have undergone a CAT scan, and a battery of other test. The results are back and I am fine. The twitching in my fingers have since stopped, and all looks to be well.

If I have learned anything from this latest experience, I would say that the focus of my life needs to be attending to my wife and children and their well being, both physically and spiritually. I need to spend less time trying to attain the material things in this life, which just don't matter. I can not even begin to express the love I have for my family. They are everything to me.


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