Monday, September 1, 2008


I was tagged with a meme from Makayla some time ago. I have finally devoted some time to getting it done. This meme took some time and effort to accomplish, so if you like it and want to give it a try you are tagged! Other wise enjoy mine.

The idea is to go to either fliker or Google Images and type in the answer to the following questions, and then pick an image off of the first page. I used google.

So here goes!

What is my first name? Craig

How old will I be on my next birthday? 46

What high school did I attend? White Pine High School. Thats the very building in the picture. I was once suspended for jumping out of the 3rd story window, the one just below the chimney. I did it on a dare.

What is my favorite food? Prime Rib! YUMMY

What is your favorite color? Blue.

What is my favorite drink? Dr. Pepper.

Who is my favorite celebrity crush? hmmm.....this took some thought, butt in the end! (haha) it had to be Ellie! You know, on Ice Age 2 The melt down!

Where is my dream vacation? Wheeler Peak. Favorite of my family when I was a kid, and I have taken Angela and the kids there several times also. It was much better BEFORE they made it a national park.

What is my favorite dessert? Peach cobbler!

What do I want to be when I grow up? A Grandpa! Many times over!

What do I love most in life? My wife!

What word best descrives me? According to Angela... Loving.

What is my favorite thing? My family! Hands down.

Where is my favorite place? Ahh.....that would be home!

What is my pets name? Lady

What is my favorite flower? Bleeding heart.

Well there you have it!

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