Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Tornado Warnings? In Star Valley?

The gold star in the center of the image is our house!

Today was a very wild day of weather for Star Valley. This morning thunderstorms developed in Southeast Idaho. There was a report of a tornado just north of Soda Springs Idaho. Simplot has a pump station near were the tornado was. NOAA confirmed that there indeed had been a tornado. Tornado warnings began popping up across SE Idaho and were moving quickly to the east. I captured this image off of the NOAA site at 1:41 PM and called the school to see if they new about the warnings. They did not. My boys were headed for the bus. I called the administrator and sent him this image. They took all the kindergartners off of the buses and back into the school and held them there until the warnings had passed. I called Angela and had her hang out in the basement until the weather passed.

There were no reported touches of tornado's in Star Valley. There was however; severe lightening and flash floods. A mudslide closed the highway in the Snake River Canyon between Star Valley and Jackson.

1 comment:

  1. When we first moved to our little valley I had nightmares about tornadoes coming through since our house is smack dab in the middle of the valley and we get some pretty big dust devils going by. Glad no big ones hit!


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