Tuesday, January 13, 2009

10 Year Washcloth

While traveling to Idaho Falls this past Saturday, Angela began to knit on a washcloth that she has been working on. After keeping at the task for some time she held it up and said to me "look how far I have got, I now have 30 rows completed!"

I began to laugh. I couldn't help myself. "Wow!", I said, "What an accomplishment! You are averaging 3 rows per year!"

She slugged my arm and told me "Your not very nice". But she had to laugh too. You see Angela started this washcloth one night at home enrichment about the time Ruby was born! It has traveled with us through a couple of moves and has been packed away for all these years. Angela came across it again just before Christmas, and began to finish it. Yesterday when I came home from work, she held up some knitting of a washcloth of about 10 rows. She told me she lost her stitch and had to start over. She was just kidding me, she actually finished it and had started another so she could have a match set. Maybe I'll be doing another blog in 2019!

Washcloth - 10 years in the making

Photo taken: January 12, 2009 By: Ruby

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