Saturday, October 20, 2007

In Memory Of

Today I attended the funeral of Craig Berger. He is the husband of my cousin Linda. He was a very big man. I am not sure how tall he was, but he was well over 6'6". His shoe size was 18 EEEE. He died at the very early age of 52 of heart failure. Besides his wife Linda, he has left behind three children, the oldest 16 years of age.

I saw many relatives today that I have not seen in years. The last time I saw many of them was at another funeral. That of my Grandfather in 1998. One cousin I have not seen in at least 20 years. I have seen most of cousins, aunts and uncles at various family reunions and such, but there is a handful, it seems, that only show up when someone has passed.

It is hard to know what to say to a family that has just lost their father. It is comforting to know that they have faith that families are forever and they know they will be reunited once again. Craig certainly seems to have left us much to soon. Today tears were shed, but not because he is gone, but because he will be missed until the day he and his family will be together again.

Our prayers go out to Linda, Brian, Aaron, and Aria. My god bless.

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