Wednesday, March 28, 2007

September Maples

These pictures were taken in September of 2005, The top picture is the road to Dairy Syncline. I spent the summer working there and drove this road nearly everyday all summer long.
All of these pictures are in the Aspen Range of SE Idaho. The picture to the right is near Green Basin. I have seen deer, elk and moose on this hill.

The maple trees turn red before the other trees begin to show the signs of fall. They make a nice contrast to the aspen and pine.

The plan is for me to be working in this same area during the summer of 2008. I have been experimenting with picture placement and the text. And as you can see I am not getting the results I would like. Oh well I am learning. However, this has been easier than I thought It would be.

1 comment:

  1. You live in a really beautiful part of the world.


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