Saturday, May 2, 2009

Spencers Itch!

Early this morning Spencer had an 'itch' to take a hike to the pond up the draw from our house. He tried to get the other kids to go along, but they didn't have an interest. I told Spencer if he would let me get some breakfast in me, then I would go along with him! He was excited. Spencer and I made omelets together, and after our hearty breakfast we headed out for our hike. Now that Dad was going along, the other kids decided that they wanted to go also.

Ruby crosses the stream on a log. Spencer is following with a large bone that he just had to take home!

Jacob Walker, Preston, Spencer and Ruby. Spencer still has that bone in hand.

Preston decides he has to take home a big stick! Why do boys always have to carry home something?

Halfway home Preston gives his stick to Dad to carry.

Photos taken: May 2, 2009 The last photo taken by: Preston

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