Besides Jared and Kerrie we also saw Susan and Troy and their family, and Grandpa and Grandma Howes. Also Jared's parents were there and his twin brother Jerry and his wife and kids. Not only is Jared a twin, He and Kerrie have twin boys. So yes there are a few sets of twins in our family.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Dear Oh Deer
Besides Jared and Kerrie we also saw Susan and Troy and their family, and Grandpa and Grandma Howes. Also Jared's parents were there and his twin brother Jerry and his wife and kids. Not only is Jared a twin, He and Kerrie have twin boys. So yes there are a few sets of twins in our family.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Battling Elk
These battling elk were added to the 'worlds largest elkhorn arch' a couple of years ago. This arch and and the battling elk can be found on US HWY 89 in Afton, Wyoming.
Summers are tourist season here. Often people stop and snap a picture of the arch. Once summer arrives there are more cars on hwy 89 with Utah plates than there are from Wyoming. The locals refer to them as 'U-tards'. Sorry to my freinds in Utah. We still luv ya.
Alec took this picture.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
I have been asked why I haven't posted any pictures of myself. Usually I am the one taking the pictures. But just to make 'some' of you happy, here you go. These pictures were taken today at work (Smoky Canyon). Above Jed Miller is surveying the water level at the tailings pond.
I am seen here supervising Jeds work! I am not Jed's supervisor, but someone always needs to keep an eye on him. Especially in the elevator.
Scott Donahoo and myself are doing what engineers do best. Standing around and laughing at each other.
Jed Miller. Jed also happens to be my neighbor.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
September Maples
These pictures were taken in September of 2005, The top picture is the road to Dairy Syncline. I spent the summer working there and drove this road nearly everyday all summer long.
The maple trees turn red before the other trees begin to show the signs of fall. They make a nice contrast to the aspen and pine.
The plan is for me to be working in this same area during the summer of 2008. I have been experimenting with picture placement and the text. And as you can see I am not getting the results I would like. Oh well I am learning. However, this has been easier than I thought It would be.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Snow Dance
Another blast of winter has arrived. The kids found the huge flakes thrilling. Oh, to be a kid again and to enjoy such simple pleasures!
Our house happens to sit on a southern slope, so most of the snow had melted from our front lawn; however most of the neighborhood is still covered with 6" to 1' of snow. Most of the houses in our little sub-division sit on a northern slope. When we bought our house we didn't consider which exposure we had, but it sure has been a nice benefit all the same.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Lady and the Tramp
The kids said I needed to include our cat Lady in my blog.
She loves sitting in this window when the blind is open. It is on the top floor and she has a view of the entire neighborhood.
She is the whitest feline you'll ever see, and is very fussy about her appearance. There is an old stray cat that hangs out in the neighborhood, that is pure black. Angela felt sorry for the thing and started to feed it. We then decided he needed a name. Tramp was the obvious choice.
Soccer Stars
The top photo is of Preston and Spencers soccer last summer. The bottom of Ruby playing soccer in 2005.
Notice the way the kids know their spot on the field? Who are the fowards anyway?
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Jared the Mighty Hunter
Jared shot this mighty Antelope in Newark Valley in Nevada. He is the only guy I know that hunts in flip flops! I did not take this photo. Not sure but I think Randy took it.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Full Moon Over Star Valley

Friday, March 23, 2007
Road Rash
Thursday, March 22, 2007
A Day of Untangling
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
The Narrows
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
A Bit of History!

Monday, March 19, 2007
A Trip to the Falls
We made a trip to Idaho Falls today. We usually go there at least once a month to shop. This photo is of Lake Palisades. The lake is mostly in Idaho, but begins in Wyoming at Alpine, where the confluence of the Snake, Greys, and Salt rivers come together. US Highway 23 runs for 16 miles along the shoreline on the left side of this photo. The lake is still frozen over. Ruby calls the hill on the right side of the lake Turtle Mountain. She says it looks like a turtle getting ready to slide into the lake.
Below is a view of Swan Valley Idaho, with the Snake River running threw. I'm looking forward to warmer tempratures and greener scenery. It is amazing that when you leave Star Valley all the surrounding valley's are void of snow. I am sure that it will melt in our valley soon also.

Sunday, March 18, 2007
All in One.
Ruby Gets a Hit!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
More to Crow About!
Crow Creek offers some awesome fishing! But you need to know where to go. Much of the land is private. There is some public access. JR Simplot owns a ranch on Crow Creek, and I being an employee am allowed on the ranch.
Spencer is King of the Mountain! Until Preston knocks him off that is!
Looking down Crow Creek toward Star Valley. The Salt River Range is in the background.
A Snowy Snow Drift
This picture is taken on Crow Creek, in Wyoming. The Snow Drift Range, in the background, is in Idaho. This picture was taken today! Our first adventure to the mountains of 07. The Snow is melting much faster than it has the last two winters that we have been here. Though I have learned in the past that it is not wise to get to excited for spring. Just when you think spring has sprung, old man winter hits us with another blast!
On a Stump at Stump Creek
Friday, March 16, 2007
Bachelar Party
A nice 'bachelar' heard of Elk.
Western Wyoming and SE Idaho is a haven for all kinds of wildlife. Seeing big game is a daily event for me. I have a 12 mile drive to work. It would be unusual not to see big game, either going to work or coming home. Often times I see deer feeding next to the parking lot. Elk and Moose are often seen throughout the Mine property. I spent the entire summer of o5 working on a lease called the Dairy Syncline. The Dairy Syncline is located in the Aspen Range of SE Idaho. The animals I saw that summer were truely amazing.
This picture I received from an e-mail.Thursday, March 15, 2007
BIG Kitty!
To see the lion in this picture, click on the picture to expand it to full size.
This Picture was taken from the truck! Very unusual to see a mountain lion in the wild, let alone from a vehicle. This was the third experience I have had with seeing a wild lion. Once I saw a lion with a group of Boy Scouts. That was at Strawberry Creek in Eastern Nevada. This cat posed for this picture at Manning Creek in SE Idaho.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007
That's a Bear Up There!

Last fall I went with Jed Miller (a surveyor at Smoky Canyon) to Manning Creek. He was staking the boundries of a timber cruise that I was overseeing. I crested a ridge and heard load scraping noises and grunts. When I looked to where the noise was coming from I saw this black bear heading up the tree as fast as he could. Jed called the office and Chad Gentry (an engineer) came with a camera. Chad snapped this picture.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
From the Back Porch
This is the view from my back porch. We often see deer, elk and even moose right from the porch, or out the kitchen window.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Enjoying a Dip in the Pool
First Post
I am new at blogging! I have created this blog as a place to post some of my favorite photographs that I have taken, and to include some family fun stuff!
I am having troubles getting pictures to up load so far. I'm sure I will eventually figure it out
I am having troubles getting pictures to up load so far. I'm sure I will eventually figure it out
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